What i think about Steven Lim

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Why most people hate steven lim

What can we talk about today? Hmmm.... i know! Why not talk about Steven Lim and his threats to call the police.

Using a little common sense here, hear this out!

1) Good luck, police will not raid my comp unless i have like child pornography (at the lowest scale)
2) this case, (if it's a case at all) would be borderline civil to playground fight.
3) You want to cause problems is it? This would affect your Public relations with Australia and even the people of singapore! But i see that's getting damaged because of you trying to publicize another playground fight *cough* shihui and irish *cough*
4) You cant silence free speech! We don't live in some commie / totalitarian controlled state. Call this defamation, call it slander but truth of the matter is, this is NEWS! And this is stuff gotten off other people's blogs and crap from your own blog of what people think of you.
5) Please, Please i know you are intentionally targetting me just because nicole is some chio bu and u like hitting on small girls *cough* shihui and irish *cough*
AND i am sure of the fact you GOOGLE your name on a day to day basis. It surprises me that you fail to notice all the other anti-steven, hate-blogs and other threads which have made a general consensus on what they think of you. It also surprises me that you have not made any attempt to contact them when they're like your next door neighbour. *oh wow shock revelation*
6)Oh and behalf of everyone else who visits your site, thanks for replacing that seriously ODD .gif of your face.

Anyways, to end of on a good note, look how many people voted for the Live Strip Webcam!

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