What i think about Steven Lim

Monday, December 31, 2007

Sueing Steven Lim

Steven Lim you have caused me undue stress and anxiety. And even those two poor girls. You know, I feel that it may be necessary to sue you for compo. I am still too young for you dear, and so i will seek legal advice should this carry out of hand. You threaten to take action, to sue, to call police, to have my computer taken away. What's next, you want to burn down my house and give my 5 cent coins to starving children in africa? is that what you want to make yourself look very cool?

Sue me. Sue me for what? Defamation? Copyright? Get real, none of your stuff is copyrighted yet. Lets go check some timestamps shall we? All this hassle!

I'm planning to enjoy you know a holiday but now you are making my life difficult. Is that your purpose in life? to distract me from excelling and getting a nice career in life?

I'm not sure about you, but this could very well affect my life! that could be at least $200,000 compensation you know. And what do you have? a lawsuit for 3K compo and it will cost you at least 10K for costs. So you're willing to spend 7K just to make yourself look good. Well don't worry, im sure you wont get hit with a 7K cost, try for the grand 6 digits!

Steven, i'm sure if you stop all this nonsense, everything in turn will fall back into it's place and there will be peace. even though i dunno you and those other girls, you are pathetic for even posting their pictures, jeez talk about being hypocritical.

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